Welcome to my temporary website! The main page is undergoing some rework and will be back very soon. In the meantime I am still doing lots of circus work, teaching workshops, playing music, organizing events and more. So if you want more information on that, book a workshop or want to hire me for your event please get in touch via email:

Contact me at

If you are here for Cosplay or LARP props or Nerf Modding or 3D Printing please head on over to

You can find all information about Rainbow Mods & Props over there as well along with my online shop. If you have any questions regarding Rainbow Mods & Props or the work I do over there you can get in touch through the contact form on the website.

I am looking forward to hearing from you!

You can also find me on social media, I always appreciate a follow and a sub :)

Thanks for stopping by!